
Video Marketing Trends: Why Short-Form Content is Dominating

Hey there, digital marketers and content creators! Ready to dive into the world of short-form video content? Grab your smartphone and get comfortable, because we’re about to explore why these bite-sized videos are taking over the digital landscape.

Before we jump in, let me share a quick story. Last year, I worked with a local bakery – let’s call it Sweet Treats. The owner, Mike, was skeptical about video marketing. “I’m not a movie star,” he’d say, laughing nervously. He was already working with an SEO company to improve his online visibility, but wasn’t sure about branching into video. Fast forward six months, and his 30-second TikTok recipe teasers were driving a 150% increase in foot traffic. How’d we do it? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to explore today.

The Rise of Short-Form Video Content

First things first, let’s talk about what we mean by “short-form” video. Generally, we’re talking about videos that are under a minute long, often even shorter. Think TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

The popularity of short-form video has exploded in recent years. According to Cisco, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2022 – that’s 15 times higher than it was in 2017. And a big chunk of that is short-form content.
But why the sudden surge? Well, it’s not so sudden. Platforms like Vine (RIP) paved the way years ago, but it’s the perfect storm of technology, user behavior, and platform algorithms that’s really driven the trend.

For Sweet Treats, we started with simple 15-second videos showcasing the process of decorating a cupcake. These quick, visually appealing snippets caught people’s attention and left them wanting more.

Empowering Small Businesses: The Cybera Digital Touch

Empowering Small Businesses: The Cybera Digital Touch

In the pulsating heart of Melbourne, a digital company called Cybera Digital is revealed as one steadfast friend for small companies. Our mission is simple yet profound: to enhance your online presence through a package of customized services that resonate personally with the core or heart of your brand. We invite you to join us as we look at the wide variety of solutions offered by Cybera Digital, complete with real success stories from companies just like yours.

Crafting Digital Storefronts with Heart

Web Design: Your Story, Our Canvas

  • Where Artistry Meets Functionality.
  • Think about a website that is not just an online space but the living organism of your brand. That’s what we do at Cybera Digital. It bridges the gap between great looks and genius functionality, making your website as engaging and triggering conversions.
How Does Cybera Digital Optimize Websites for SEO?

How Does Cybera Digital Optimize Websites for SEO?

Based in the heart of Melbourne, Cybera Digital stands as an example of digital marketing excellence. We’re not just building websites; We’re about making digital markers. Let’s discover the secret sauce behind our SEO optimization techniques, adorned with real-life success stories from our beloved clients.

To Understand the Art of SEO

The Core of our Strategy: Customized SEO Solutions

  • Bespoke options for different needs.
  • SEO at Cybera Digital is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We understand that every business has a unique DNA, and our SEO strategies reflect this diversity. Whether it’s a local restaurant or a multinational, our SEO solutions are as diverse as the industries we serve.

The Cybera Digital SEO Blueprint

Keyword mastery: SEO heartbeat

  • Finding the perfect keywords for your brand
  • Our journey begins with thorough keyword research. We dive deep into your industry, searching every nook and cranny to find the most relevant and influential keywords. This is the first step in making sure that your website speaks your Audience language and search engines.
Unlocking Digital Excellence: The Cybera Digital Way

Unlocking Digital Excellence: The Cybera Digital Way

A tale of digital transformation occurs every day in the busy center of Melbourne. It is a story crafted by Cybera Digital, where we are not only about digital marketing but also about breathing life into our dreams in the virtual world. So, let’s start a walk through our special way that has been spiced with the reality of success and the magic of personal connection.

Tailoring Your Digital Identity

No Outsourcing, just pure Creativity and Expertise:

Every project at Cybera Digital is an in-house opus.

We believe in caring for your brand’s digital community with a personal, detail-oriented approach. With this approach, we have managed to develop amazing websites for some of Melbourne’s leading restaurants and hotels. Each project evidences our loyalty to quality and local skills.

Legal Options For Web Designers Wishing To Enter Into A Joint Venture

Legal Options For Web Designers Wishing To Enter Into A Joint Venture

At some point in the life of their business, web designers might have the opportunity to enter into a joint venture with another business on a project for one or more clients. The nature of these joint ventures can differ considerably with examples being:

  • Teaming up with another web designer to create a large, corporate website
  • Working with a web design agency that requires the particular web design skills you have
  • Collaborating with a digital marketing agency to add a new website to a client’s marketing funnel

Whether any of these or some other joint venture opportunity, one aspect constant in all of them will be the need for a joint venture agreement to be created and signed by both parties. There are three main types of joint venture agreements, which are incorporated, unincorporated, and unit trust, respectively. Below are explanations for each of these.

Incorporated Joint Venture Agreements

An incorporated joint venture agreement is used when the two parties to the joint venture do so by creating a new company. From a legal perspective, it is via this company that the joint venture will be pursued rather than through the respective existing businesses.

An incorporated joint venture agreement usually means that each party has an equal share of the business unless a differential has been agreed upon where the split is 60% to 40%, for example. In either case, a shareholder agreement will need to be signed by both parties.

An incorporated joint venture agreement offers web designers a greater level of protection as it is the new company to which liabilities will apply and not their existing business.

The Benefits Of Using Commercial Storage For Your Home-Based Business

The Benefits Of Using Commercial Storage For Your Home-Based Business

Running a business from home has many advantages, including the ability to work in a comfortable environment, lower overhead costs, flexible working hours, plus no daily commute, however, there can be even more advantages available to a home-based business if it were to utilise storage space for rent.

Now, we are going to start on the basis that many, if not most, home-based businesses are run by one person and that they are not multi-million dollar entities that have unlimited capital to spend on what that business needs.

Instead, we will assume that most home-based business owners, even if successful, will always be looking for ways to reduce costs, increase profits, and operate in a manner that makes running their business more enjoyable, rather than seeing it as a daily chore. As such, we are going to look at how renting commercial storage space and the benefits of doing so can help a home-business owner achieve all of those goals.

The Ultimate Guide to Starting an Online Business

The Ultimate Guide to Starting an Online Business

If you’re thinking about starting your own online business, you’re certainly not alone. Many entrepreneurs have made the decision to set up a business online due to the low costs and potential for global reach. But getting started can seem daunting. What do you need to know? Where do you even begin? Don’t worry – this guide will give you step-by-step instructions on how to set up a successful online business.

This comprehensive guide will take you through the entire process, from start to finish. It will cover everything from choosing a business structure and registering your business to forming a business plan and setting up your website. We’ll even give you advice on how to market and promote your business. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the information and confidence you need to start your own online business. So, let’s get started on your journey to success.

Research your target market

Before you launch your online business, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your target market. To do this, you’ll need to research their needs, interests, and behaviours. This data can be collected from various sources, such as surveys, focus groups, and interviews. Additionally, it can be useful to stay up-to-date with web design trends, popular marketing techniques, and industry advice. By having an in-depth understanding of your target market, you’ll be better prepared to create an online business that meets their needs and delivers the desired results.

Develop a business plan

Once you have determined the type of online business you’d like to start, it’s time to develop a business plan. A business plan is a roadmap that outlines your business’s goals, strategy, and timeline. It should include market analysis, a financial plan, and a timeline for reaching your goals. It’s also important to consider the advice of experts and research web design trends and marketing tactics. Your plan should be realistic and give you a starting point for launching your online business.

Great First Impression When Meeting Potential Clients

5 Tips For Web Designers To Make A Great First Impression When Meeting Potential Clients

One facet of web designers is that the way they work, including where and within which type of business, is extremely diverse. Some might work for a national marketing company, others for a local web design agency, and many are freelance individuals. As such they will all have different levels of experience and resources at their disposal whenever they are hired to design and create a website for a client.

Despite the plethora of different working environments and methods that web designers have, one element of their work unites them all and that is the fact that they must be able to attract new clients to continue working. No clients mean no income which, for any business, usually means the end is nigh.

How web designers attract clients can differ but almost always there will come a point when they must meet a prospective client, either in person or via an online meeting app such as Zoom or Skype. It is at this meeting that most clients will make a judgment on whether this is a web designer they want to work with and that will be heavily influenced by the impression that the web designer makes upon that prospect, especially the first impression.

So, a question web designers should be asking themselves before they even discuss technical web design matters in a meeting is, “How can I make a great first impression?”. For web designers reading this, or indeed anyone who at some point will want to create the best possible first impression whether for a job interview, meeting a new manager for the first time, or selling services to a prospective client, here are five tips to help make that first impression a great one.

5 Digital Marketing Strategies That Can Help You To Expand Your Family Lawyers Business

5 Digital Marketing Strategies That Can Help You To Expand Your Family Lawyers Business

We are sure you are already aware that for your Perth family lawyers business to remain successful and have the potential to expand, you must have a steady influx of new clients. If not, then your revenue drops, as does your profits, and ultimately you grind to a standstill. To secure those new clients you need some means of attracting their attention and in this internet age, one of the most effective ways to achieve that aim is digital marketing.

Digital marketing covers a huge array of specific tactics and strategies, and it is not surprising that those who know how to create and implement a successful digital marketing campaign are much sought after by businesses of all types and sizes. This points to the fact that one of the most positive features of digital marketing is that there are opportunities for all.

What we mean by that is that the internet offers many ways that small and local businesses with limited budgets can market themselves online just as it does to global corporations with marketing budgets that seem unlimited. In other words, your family lawyers business should be using digital marketing, because you can be pretty certain your local competitors are.

The question is, which digital market strategies should you use, and our answer to that is to stick with core ones that are proven to work. These are web design, search engine optimisation (SEO), paid advertising (PPC), video marketing, and social media. Let us look at each one in a little more detail.

Websites – are they needed by a business?

Many businesses have websites but many businesses still do not have a business website. What is the purpose of a website?
The main benefit of a business website is for someone to find out something about you and your company and/or your products which you carry before contacting you. Based on your website, it can give the impression if you are a large or small company and the types of services and products you provide. Are they needed to get new business? It depends. If you are providing a commodity such as a product or service, then it may help your business. However, if you are looking for a certain type of client, advertising may not work.

If you are looking for a financial planner for example, will you look up a name in an advertising directory or will go ask a friend and find one by way of a referral. Accountants are the same way. Some get 99% of their business by referrals. The customers who use for example Yellow Pages may not be the type of customer you want or may not be a customer who has any loyalty, they may be shopping purely for price and if someone is $1 cheaper, they will go to the next person.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hiring A Professional Office Relocation Company

Moving to new offices is not only a big decision for a business, the planning and implementation of it is also a significant undertaking. One of the ways that office relocation can be made as stress-free as possible for all concerned, is by hiring professional removalists who can advise, help plan it, and implement it.

However, there are other options, such as doing it all yourself, or simply hiring someone for the day who has a van, and so to help decide whether a professional removalist company is the right choice for your business’s move, here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring one.


They Can Plan Office Relocations Of Any Kind

Your business is unique and therefore your office relocation will also be unique with respect to the amount of equipment being moved, the new office layout and the distances from your old office to your new one. Professional removalists have experience of planning for any type of office relocation, including those which are from one side of the country to the other.

They Will Advise On Every Aspect Of Your Office Relocation

With the vast levels of experience that professional removalists have, they will be able to advise you, and your staff if necessary, on every aspect of your office relocation. This can include advice on creating checklists, packing materials, the order in which equipment should be moved, and how to make the moving day run as smoothly as possible.

Negotiating Business Contracts

Top 5 Tips For Negotiating Business Contracts

From the earliest days of mankind when cavemen would trade furs for food, until the modern-day, when multi-billion dollar deals are agreed in opulent board rooms, the art of negotiation has been employed. Whether it is the business owner negotiating the deal or their commercial lawyer, the desire to achieve a favourable outcome is uppermost in their minds.

Where these negotiations become especially detailed is when they get to the sharp end of proceedings and the contract itself is being negotiated. Bear in mind, the contract will be the legally binding agreement which both parties must adhere to so ensuring there is nothing in it that will cause problems for your business, is crucial.

Now, many a book and training course has been published on the art of negotiation so we are not going to pretend we can come anywhere close to teaching you negotiation skills from A to Z. However, here are our top 5 tips to make the negotiation of a contract more likely to favour you than not.

#1 Don’t Rush It

A contract negotiation is not a race to see how quickly it can be done, so slow it down and go at a pace you are comfortable with. Take time to understand everything that is being proposed and remember that a rushed decision is normally a poor decision.

Targeting Your Audience With Email Marketing

At Cybera Digital, we are continuously striving to find new ways to help market our clients’ businesses. One of the most popular ways to market online is still via email.

A recent survey conducted by Slinky Digital Marketing stated that over 80% of professionals opt for email marketing rather than social media to boost their brand. This research means that email is still currently leading the way for digital marketing despite the growing popularity of social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a few tips for you to help target your audience with email marketing.

Look The Part
Be sure to send any emails from a professional email or business email address. Never send from a personal account. Its never a good look to receive a business themed email from “”!

If you don’t have a business email address, make sure you set one up and remember to include a company logo within your email send-outs.

Be Welcoming
A welcome email is always a great start when interacting with a customer for the first time. Thank them for being part of your business and even offer an incentive such as a discount of their first order to make signing up to receive emails from you worthwhile. Encourage them to share this experience with their friends too, the more people on that database, the better!

Main Types Of Copywriting Services – Part 2

Types Of Copywriting

Copywriting covers a vast range of specific items that can be written, how they are written, and the purpose of what is written, can also vary greatly.

To help us better understand these differences, we have categorised copywriting under five different headings, and it is under these headings that you likely to find the type, or types, of copywriting you need for your business.

It could actually be the case that you require all five, and you may find there is some cross-over as none of these is finite. The other point to note is that although there are these five different categories of copywriting, it does not mean that five different copywriters will be needed. One copywriter is likely to be able to write the copy for them all.

Brand Copywriting

This is the copywriting which seeks to promote the identity and the image of a particular brand. It is these words that convey what the company’s ethos and principles are with a view to making a connection with those who resonate with them. One of the other key goals of branding copywriting is to differentiate it from the competition.

You will find branding copywriting in several places including the ‘About Us’ page on the company website, and the company may also have a mission statement.

Also, a lot of interaction will happen between the copywriter and those responsible for the imagery of the brand, such as the designers creating logos and graphics, so that there is consistency and correlation between them.

Main Types Of Copywriting Services – Part 1

If we were to ask the question, ‘What type of writer is responsible for generating the most amount of money?’, it is more than likely that the answer will be authors. It seems logical when you think of the hundreds of millions of dollars that writers such as Danielle Steele, J.K Rowling, and Stephen King must have earned from their writing.

However, while writing novels might be the form of writing that earns the individual writer the highest incomes, it is not the form of writing that has generated the most money.

It is that crucial word, ‘generate’ that is the clue, because it is copywriting which is responsible for generating more income than any other form of writing. If we take that a stage further to answer the question with regards to the type of writer, then that answer is a copywriter.

What Is A Copywriter?

According to a report from professional web designers, a copywriter is someone who has the skills to write words that virtually change the thinking of the person reading those words. They can turn a sceptic into a raving fan, and a doubter, into an enthusiastic buyer.

Copywriters are responsible for writing just about every advertisement that has ever been created, whether that be text ads in newspapers and magazines, the scripts for radio and television ads or the sales copy for the sales pages and PPC ads you see online.

Copywriters wrote them all, so just think of the trillions upon trillions of sales over the decades that all those adverts have generated, and it is mainly due to the words written by copywriters that those adverts have been so effective.

Would You Build Your Own Car

Would You Build Your Own Car?

It’s a strange thought, isn’t it? Personally, I wouldn’t know where to start! There are so many little details and considerations that go into all the moving parts that make up an automobile.

That being said, even if someone gave me a DIY car kit and told me that all I had to do was add the steering wheel, seats, “Hello Kitty” seatbelts, awesome new headlights, and all the little flourishes that made me “me”, would it even be roadworthy?

Sounds pretty risky, and the RAC would probably laugh at me.

Wait, what’s this got to do with the web?
Right, yes, sorry.

The risk involved with building your own car is similar (I suppose) to building a website.

You could build your own website using any number of web builders these days, but is that what you do for a living? Do you know all the little pitfalls related to security, usability, accessibility, browser (in)compatibility, CSS, HTML, PHP, <include excruciatingly long list of buzzwords and terms here>…

No? I’m not a betting man, but I would wager that what you’re best at is running your business, and helping your customers. If you start devoting valuable time to building a website, have you compromised time you could’ve spent on other parts of your business?

5 Professional Resolutions to Try This Year

5 Professional Resolutions to Try This Year

We had a good break over the holidays here at Cybera Digital, and now we’re getting back into the swing of things!

We have some exciting new projects to launch, and a few other bits and pieces on the go, but it’s hard to achieve any of it and find that New Year enthusiasm without our strategy sessions and some good old-fashioned goal-setting!

Since our process has worked for us so far, we thought we’d share some concepts with you so that you could benefit from them too!

1. Strategy, strategy, strategy!
When we want to re-evaluate where we’re heading as a business, we always run a strategy session for ourselves. We generally do about 2 per year, and they always help re-focus and re-imagine how we see Cybera Digital helping our customers moving forward, and ways in which we can improve.

2. Setting realistic goals
As part of our strategy session we figure out what our goals are, and prioritise them by first determining how desirable the goal is, and then how achievable it is. This helps us to set realistic goals that we can achieve in the short-term, while still keeping an eye on our medium and long term goals.

Achieving your goals can sometimes be overwhelming, so if you ever feel as though you’ve come across a goal that needs to be resolved but just feels too big, it’s important to consider breaking it up into smaller (more manageable) tasks.

Is Your Website Harming Your SEO?

Website design can often be overlooked by businesses that are venturing into the deep, dark world of SEO for the first time. In fact, a lot of businesses with well established websites don’t always understand the need to update their website in order to avoid not ranking well in search engines – but ask an expert digital agency and they’ll tell you just that!

When putting focus on SEO, it’s important to evaluate your website and look for any areas that could be causing harm to current or future search strategies you might have.

Here are 3 things you should look at first:

1. Website Imagery
Images are a great way of selling a product or service to your customers and having some strong imagery on your website is an important design factor, but all images need to be optimised in order to help your SEO rankings.

You can optimise your images by:

  • Having descriptive filenames so search engines (and users) can find them.
  • Scaling the images to the right size for the space where it will be displayed on your website. This will reduce the overall file size of the image, which will improve the speed of the page.
  • Adding caption text for the image where appropriate.
  • Including descriptive text of the image in its alt attribute.


Something we get asked every now and then is ‘what would work best for my brand, SEO or PPC?’. There is no simple answer as both can work for a brand depending on its objectives.

SEO is best carried out by a professional SEO company like, and can be one of the most essential, cost effective online marketing tools available. It involves ongoing maintenance and management of your website’s content in order to get your website noticed by search engines such as Google. Getting noticed isn’t the only goal, you also want to appear in as high a position within search result pages as possible when your intended audience uses appropriate and relevant search terms.

These search results are what is known as “organic” search. SEO uses a variety of techniques ranging from optimising your website to make it search engine friendly through to the use of strong and good quality on and off-site content that people might link to or from.

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, on the other hand is paid for advertising. In short, you create campaigns and bid on keywords with the aim being to appear in the advertisements that run alongside the organic search results. The bidding process is somewhat automatic, you assign a maximum bid for a specific keyword or phrase and an algorithm uses this along with a few other factors to decide when and where your ad will appear. You only pay once somebody clicks on your advertisement.

Generally, a well balanced and strategic marketing campaign might use a combination of both.

Before you head over to Google AdWords and enter your credit card details, there are a few things to bear in mind.

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